The Working Style



This style of Wolfwhistle is truer to the original Enes whistles, which are used across the world  for sheep and cattle herding and feature a lot in ISDS trials. They weigh about 20 gramms - that's a lot of silver (actually, after polishing, it is more around 15.50g!)!!! Truly an investment - but they are just too handsome to be locked away in a safe! With a thickness of almost 1mm, this whistle's sound is fuller and louder and lends itself to being engraved. And due to its no-nonsense design and sound capacity the 'Master' (below) has proven very popular with the boys!

£165 for the plain and £220-£300 for an hand engraved image of your choice. Comes on lush twisted silk cord attached in black or green  with a sterling silver Albert Swivel Catch or a simple knot.

And to your right a private commission, loving messages hand engraved - please contact us for a quote!

Hand Engraved images by one of the last living and working hand engravers in London on a Working Style Wolfwhistle!

Below Whistles as sponsored by the quality pet food manufacturer Gilbertson&Page the Medal Whistles for the International Sheepd Dog Society Nationals.